"Butterflies Fly Around You", Poem by Sarah Lou Cawdron 🦋

 Butterflies flit and flutter, dance and play,

Their wings a blur of color, a wondrous display.

They alight upon my shoulder, their soft wings a sway,

A delicate Butterflies fly around you Butterflies flit and flutter, dance and play,

Their wings a blur of color, a wondrous display.

They alight upon my shoulder, their soft wings a sway,

A delicate grace, a fleeting moment's stay.

Their iridescent hues, a shimmering light,

A kaleidoscope of colors, a wondrous sight.

They flit and flutter, a whimsical delight,

A joyous celebration, a wondrous sight.

Their fragile beauty, a delicate thing,

A fleeting moment, a precious thing.

They bring a smile, a sense of glee,

A reminder of wonder, a wondrous spree.

So let us cherish these creatures of grace,

And protect their world, a wondrous place.

For in their beauty, we see the divine,

A gift to us all, a wondrous design. 


©️Sarah Lou Cawdron 2023