Challenging Yourself by Deborah Lynch

When we feel low, anxious and  depressed it can feel impossible to even imagine finding any joy at all.

I always try to establish what my clients manage to do each day that served them well. 

So many times, people say they can't be bothered to eat, get up and get dressed, have no excercise, or even sit with nature. They don't feel able to  ask family or friends for help. 

Yet when my come to see me, they have found the strength to get up, dressed and  work  out ways  to travel to see me.

When I ask them, what they have been doing the prior week  they will say, I couldn't do anything just stayed in bed, found it impossible to get up, dressed and couldn't leave the house.

So, how do they get to me, how all of a sudden have they found it  within themselves the recourses to get to their counselling appointment.

It's because, they know that by coming to a session there is a chance, they will feel better talking and examining their thoughts and fears, and start to work towards a better future for themselves.

So I challenge you when life  feels impossibly  hard to try ..

Getting up at a time that allows you to have a day. Set an alarm, it dosent have to be early, but a regular get up time brings structure to your day 
Keep as much as you can to a daily schedule, 
Pull back the curtains to let the light in.
Have a shower, get dressed
Eat something, you will only feel worse you don't eat at least one meal a day
And if you can get in touch with nature, even if it's just a brief 10 minute walk.
Reach out to someone friends, family, if you are feeling really desperately low, call the #samaritans  your gp, #mentalhealthsuffolk

By keeping to a flexible daily routine, I promise you will feel a bit better each day.

I am always blown away by my clients who despite finding their lives  torn apart, unable to function  finding their inner strength (which we all do have) to make it to their appointment and look forward with their I but tools they did not realise  they already have. 

We are the creators of our future, I wouldn't do my job, if I felt that people were unable to find it within themselves to move through pain, grief, upset, depression into a brighter, fulfilling future.

I wish you well on your journey,
Deborah x