Dry January by Sam Phillips

Hello guys I hope everybody is looking forward to Christmas and has a very happy new year. Christmas is a magical time of year. It’s a time to spend with the family to unwind and overindulge and why not. We have worked hard all year right? 

With that being said with all the boozy Christmas events and overindulging throughout December, can take a toll on the body. Which is why I think January is the perfect month to do the opposite.

I’m challenging you. Yes you the reader, to take on dry January this year. To get your new year off to happy and healthy start. Maybe even journal your month without alcohol I’m writing an article of your own for the magazine. 

Dry January means going alcohol free for the whole month. This can bring massive benefits. This is what you can expect..

See your skin get brighter, your wallet fuller, your days busier. Feel your step get bouncier, your mind calmer, your mornings fresher. Most people who do Dry January see a whole host of obvious benefits that make Dry January the perfect start to the New Year.
A month alcohol-free has a lot of benefits conducted by the Royal Free Hospital and published in the British Medical Journal, found that a month off:
* Lowers blood pressure
* Reduces diabetes risk
* Lowers cholesterol
* Reduces levels of cancer-related proteins in the blood.

Along with the physical benefits, a challenge like this is also good mentally . If we set ourselves goals and challenges. We grow. Good luck everybody. Please let me know how you get on. 
