'Rolling Retrospective' - Jim Nind 142 Art Gallery

'Rolling Retrospective'

Making Sense of a Creative Life



1952  - 2023 and still rocking

6th - 12th July

10am - 4pm  

Late Evening
Saturday 8th
(drinks and nibbles)
6pm - 8pm

As I originally conceived it, the purpose for this exhibition was to use the opportunity afforded by the 142 gallery space to take a look back and make sense of a lifetime of creative activity. The prime motive was that of self-learning through reflection and evidenced by the body of work which lay buried at the back of my studio, stacked high within my storage room, half-forgotten in the attic, or filed away on the various shelves and cabinets which cornered our house. I soon realised that I wasn’t going to get all this stuff to the gallery in order to rifle through it there, but that much of the learning would occur during the preparation phase as I was shocked, surprised, or ‘taken-by’ the artefacts I unearthed. This was both a process of discovery amongst the memories of the old and of ascribing new meanings as I made connections between there, and then, and the creative life I enact here and now. The emerging ‘show’ at the gallery was to become a way of giving meaning to significant pieces across time (especially the period 1970-2000) and within the complex learning processes now taking place. I wasn’t happy to let the retrospective show remain the privilege of the rich, the famous, or the already dead. I had too much to learn from it for that.

A more recent selection of Jim’s work can be viewed on:


Instagram: Jim Nind (@ jim.auto)

Jim can be contacted on: jim.autoverse@gmail.com