Sam’s Tips to Get From Drug Addiction to Recovery ❤️🙌

We all have negative things that hold us down, but it is always important to do our bests to improve ourselves. After all, we’re only human. Here is Sam Phillips, founder of Dare to Dip, to share his story…

Alcohol, drugs and cigarettes nearly killed me. In some ways they did… they killed the old me that had so many insecurities, fears and anxieties. I still get those things by the way but I have certain tools that help deal with the issues when they arise instead of putting toxins in my body to compress it all. 
I live in faith instead of fear these days and practising gratitude has helped massively. 

When I wake up, I think of 10 things that I am truly grateful for. I do Breathwork for 10 minutes. And I practice cold water therapy daily - and I will tell you why. Because of my anxiety disorder, I lived in the state of fight or flight for many years. Riddled with fear and anxiety and panic. Cold water, puts you in a controlled state of fight or flight so you are training your brain to deal with stressful situations, panic attacks, etc. It has probably been the most effective tool I’ve ever used to help me with my mental health and that’s one of the reasons I started Dare to Dip in Felixstowe. I also go to meetings weekly to open up others.

My life is so much better today and it has improved in every single way. Some days can be really hard in recovery, but they are nothing compared to the hell of addiction. 

One day at a time we CAN recover ❤️‍🩹

You can find my precious article here:

Dare to Dip by Sam Phillips
