“Autumn”, a Poem by Sarah Lou Cawdron

Autumn 🍁🍂

As autumn paints the sky with hues so warm,
The falling leaves in gentle breezes form.
A symphony of colours, red, gold, and brown,
They dance upon the wind, swirling around.

A patchwork carpet spreads across the earth,
Nature's masterpiece of vibrant rebirth.
The trees adorn themselves in fiery attire,
A sight that sets the heart and soul on fire.

With each gust of wind, they gracefully sway,
As if in a graceful ballet they play.
Whispering secrets as they gently fall,
A symphony of rustling, so enthralling.

With nostalgia, they reminisce of spring,
Of days when flowers bloomed, and birds would sing.
But now they bid farewell, their journey near,
To join the earth and rest until next year.

They blanket gardens, parks, and country lanes,
Creating paths where children leave their stains.
The crunching sound, like music to our ears,
As we wander through this season, so dear.

In their demise, there is a quiet grace,
A peacefulness that fills each empty space.
For in their loss, they leave their mark so strong,
A reminder to embrace endings with song.

So let us revel in autumn's gentle sway,
With open hearts and awe that won't betray.
For in these falling leaves, we find release,
And in their beauty, an eternal peace.

©️Sarah Lou Cawdron 2023