A Bit about Felixstowe’s Cancer Research

The local fund raising group for Cancer Research has been established in Felixstowe for at least the last 25 years, maybe even longer. I started as a ‘friend’ of the group while I was still working and gradually played a more active role once I retired. In the past there was quite a large number of people involved so events took place once every 2 or 3 months; dog walks, street collections and various smaller events. We also had a ball and a concert and have raised a lot of money over the years. Gradually, however, committee members and helpers grew less in number and we are now reduced to 6 committee members and very few extra helpers.

Cancer Research UK is the leading funder of cancer research in the UK supporting the work of doctors and scientists who are investigating the causes, treatments and preventions of cancer.  Donations from volunteers and other interested people fund medical advances which push through new and effective treatments faster than ever. Many more people are surviving a cancer diagnosis than ever before.

We are always hoping that younger people might join our group, meetings are very informal and infrequent! We would love some new ideas. If you would like to help in other ways donations can be made directly to Cancer Research UK on a monthly basis or items can be taken to the Cancer Research shop on Hamilton Road. We would be delighted if anyone could just volunteer to help out at events.

Although the money raised goes to Head Office, it is known that some comes back to Suffolk through Ipswich Hospital.
It’s important to remember that covid stopped a lot of fund-raising and we are just getting back to organising our Quiz on 21st January, with posters advertising the event, and again these things need helpers if you are interested! We are always grateful for any help and support given.

Thank you,

Dianne Ninnmey