Looking into the Darkness, a Poem by Sarah Lou Cawdron

Wind and rain hitting against the window 
With the drops just running down 
Looking out into the darkness 
Wondering what is yet to come 

Going to lay my head on my pillow 
Headphones in music playing along 
Trying to get the mind to focus on the breathing 
The emotions just come flooding out 

You Are just in the world of music 
Finding where you were meant to be 
Music can heal the wounds 
that medication cannot touch 
As the rain keeps falling 
and the puddles get bigger 

Wondering what tomorrow will bring 
If is going to bring you happiness sadness 
But knowing that you are going to 
try your best that’s all you can do 
Looking out into the darkness wishing I could see you walk or drive pass
Knowing that’s just my dream to see you again 

Knowing the sun will shine soon 
And this will just be a distant memory 
How I just wish I could hold you one more time 
There’s better days are ahead 

©️Sarah Lou Cawdron 2022