Outdoor Swimming & Aftercare by The Unconfident Swimmer

Living in Felixstowe offers many opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities like swimming. Swimming is an excellent way for us to exercise and stay healthy. Not only does it provide a full body workout, but it also has numerous health benefits that are worth considering. Swimming is a low-impact exercise, which makes it easy on the joints. It is much easier on the body than running or playing sports, which can lead to injuries. This makes it ideal for people with certain medical conditions, such as arthritis, who are unable to participate in more vigorous forms of exercise. 

Additionally, swimming can build cardiovascular endurance, improve flexibility, and reduce stress. The buoyancy of water can help to reduce the pain. Swimming also offers benefits beyond physical health. It can be beneficial for mental health as well.

Swimming can help to reduce stress and can even offer a sense of peaceful relaxation, making it an ideal activity for those who suffer from anxiety and depression. Swimming can also increase self-confidence and self-esteem, which can lead to improved outlooks on life. I personally have found that swimming has boosted my confidence and makes me happier overall in general.

Swimming is also a great way to spend time with family and friends. Whether you swim at the Leisure Centre or take advantage of the ocean, swimming can encourage socialising and bond-building. Plus, it's a great way to stay cool during the warmer months! 

I have come up with some fantastic ways to keep your mind occupied whilst swimming, I sure do know how hard it is to keep focussed whilst swimming and sometimes it’s for the best for your mind to wander a little.

- Count your strokes or breathing cycles.
- Break up the pool into imaginary segments, such as lap numbers or color sections, and keep track of your progress.
- Visualise the path of your movements in the pool.
- Focus on your body position in the water and make sure to maintain proper form. 
- Pay attention to even small details, such as the feeling of the water against your skin or the sound of your breath.
- Plan out the rest of your day while swimming.
- Reflect on your current life goals and aspirations. 
- Make up a short story or song in your head while swimming.
- Recall past experiences or memories that make you smile. 
- Create a mental to-do list for when you get out of the pool (this is my go to)
- Take advantage of the peacefulness and practice mindfulness and relaxation.
- Dedicate some time each lap to focus on gratefulness and appreciation.

After swimming, you should take care of yourself - your body has just worked hard and will be tired. I’d recommend you should take a shower to rinse off chlorine and impurities from your skin and hair. It's also important to change out of your wet swimsuit and into dry clothes as soon as possible to avoid chafing and maintain your body temperature. You should re-apply sunscreen and/or insect repellent to exposed areas if you will be out of the water for a while. I would also suggest drinking lots of fluids afterwards to rehydrate yourself.