MINDFULNESS: The Artist of Your Life, by Janet Taylor


If 100 artists where to sit down together and paint the same scene, each and every individual’s interpretation of the landscape before them, would produce 100 different paintings. 

Consciousness works in a similar manner and no two individuals will encounter, feel or experience any given situation or circumstance exactly the same way either, yet many of us spend so much time trying to convince others of our perspective. That’s not to say that we won’t agree on many things either but ultimately the subconscious only knows itself and it reflects back to an individual the beliefs or the consciousness held by that person. It may help to think of life around you as a as a mirror. 

To understand that the subconscious only knows itself, is a huge leap forward in terms of owning our perspective, as just that. Broadening our awareness about how the ‘Laws of Consciousness’ work and learning to operate from them takes willingness and practice.(our ego, the protective personality won’t always like it either). The application of ‘The Laws of Consciousness’ (yes there are more), will automatically lead to huge advancements, realisations and triumphs in one’s life and ultimately ‘The Laws of Consciousness’ is where you will find your power. Consciousness is energy and every single thing is this world is made of up consciousness and energy. Wouldn’t it be great to have more energy in your life? 

It may be worth mentioning that there is such thing as collective consciousness as well as personal. With time and experience you can learn to define what is your energy and what you may be energetically entangled in. 

Subconscious beliefs are installed through negative circumstances and influences, created from a vast array of things from parental upbringing, a throw away comment, to what you see on the news. A belief can literally distort, limit and taint the picture or perspective before us and the subconscious is extremely good at tricking our conscious mind (the protective personality) into believing it is right. It can bury beliefs very deep, far, far away from our conscious mind, getting past the conscious mind is always the first hurdle, especially as we become stubborn with old age. 

I talk about ‘The Rules of The Mind’ also and one rule is: The mind will always search for evidence that it is right. It is important to realise here that it will automatically and subconsciously ‘search’ even if you are mislead by an unconscious belief or emotion that you feel. 

What we place our focus on expands and consciousness has no bias. Consciousness does not care if you are right or wrong, if something is good or bad it just responds to your focus, conscious or otherwise, which is why uncovering and understanding you’re own subconscious blocks can allow you to break free from years of making the same mistakes, do you ever feel like you’re going round in circles? 

As we grow up and move through this experience we call life we naturally develop our own personal set of lenses, filters, beliefs and preferences about what is right or wrong, good or bad, achievable or worth the effort, based from what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, sense and feel in our experience. The subconscious then collects all of the information and data from these experiences and files them somewhere in our energy field (otherwise know as a  somatic address). Because the subconscious’s main job is to keep us safe, it is always on high alert ready to fight, flight or freeze us away from any unwanted experiences that trigger the uncomfortable feeling from the past. Basically we are a walking, talking, feeling, electro-magnetic energy field of data and information. 

So what is a tell-tale sign of a negative or distorted belief? If a circumstance is drawing you into drama, an argument, provoking a negative reaction within you or making you behave in ways that are less than desirable, then chances are you hold a belief which isn’t serving you and the subconscious is trying to protect you from an unhealed wound that is still present and active in your energy field. 

Believe it or not consciousness is always looking to expand and know itself so it is needs to witness itself first, (by reflection) it can then be brought into conscious mind, resolved and healed. Up until recent times we as a species especially in western medicine haven’t been very good at recognising this but it is currently changing at a rapid rate. It is a unconscious need within every human to feel like they are moving forward in life so the pure intelligence of consciousness or as some prefer to call it, mother nature, is gently nudging us to do just that. If we ignore the nudge, consciousness has a way of getting louder until we get the message and face our fears, but that is a topic for another day. 

Another rule of the mind is: Emotion is way more powerful than logic.

Emotion can make a person do the craziest of things that absolutely make sense to them at the time the emotion was provoked. Did you ever look back on an argument and regret saying something? It was the emotion that caught you in its grip. 

Many us tend to avoid uncomfortable emotions when we start to feel them, (goodness knows I did for many years) but I have witnessed many break throughs, healing and joy on the other side of being present with the whole of who you are rather than just cherry picking the wanted parts of oneself. Like I suggested in my last article, avoidance comes from labelling feelings as good or bad. Instead, witness an emotion or feeling as a carrier of information that is trying to get your attention and awareness to be able to point you in the right direction on your own unique path, so you can become the artist and creator in your own life, not just a bystander of it.

As you become willing to open your perspective, embrace emotions and release trauma it allows for other limiting beliefs to surface that have been blocking your path to success too. Once the biggest blocks are released it becomes more like fine tuning an instrument, everything starts working in harmony again, body, mind and soul. It is important to say that trauma is anything that lays unresolved in the mind, and what is traumatic for one person may not be for another. It is always a good idea to make sure you are in a trusted and safe environment when embracing this kind of work, but when the mind is given space and time to find resolution the energetic block can be resolved and released removing the need for a cycle to continue. 

All energy vibrates, you might like to google, ‘The Emotional Vibration Scale’. As one becomes willing to witness and release negative emotions for example, fear, anger or sadness, ones vibration will naturally rise and start to resonate with the finer energies in the universe, simultaneously attracting better experiences and energies into your life. Think of it like tuning your frequency into the radio station you want more of. 

Becoming aware of and owning one’s consciousness, one’s energy field, and what is in it, is simply the most empowering thing you can do, its a game changer. Most of us have had the experience of being round someone who has high ‘vibes’ and a high energy, it is attractive, alluring, powerful and magnetic. Who wouldn’t want more of that? 

For any further info or help you can contact me here

Thanks for reading, 
Janet Taylor