A Day by The Sea by Belinda Rose Bond

A Day by The Sea

Seagulls encircle and skim the waves.
A thousand steps marched on the promenade.
Chatter rises above the crowd
Squeals of excitement are joyful and loud

Shoes lay discarded amongst the shells,
abandoned abruptly to join in the yells
of others as they rush down the beach.
Cris crossing their way over sand and shingle
They soon reach the edge with the frothy white waves
Sand moving quickly under their feet.
It's now, or never, they nervously think 
They link arms bravely and jump in the drink. 

Its icy swell wraps around their small little figures
Which bob up and down to the hypnotic cascade. 
With splashing of hands and shouts of delight, 
The swell takes them further from sight.
'Come closer,' Mum shouts
But their ears become deaf 
With each passing sway
 'Your too far away!'

Parents wave from their sandy retreat
Once on dry land it's now time to eat.
They grab a warm towel and find a dry seat
whilst lunch is unwrapped 
amongst sand-covered feet.
There's sand in the sandwiches and sand in the cake, 
but no time to worry, no time to wait.
Their only concern is time is being wasted
 As the waves call to them
'Come back to the water,
come back to us now,
The fun has just started, 
we'll show you how.'

Afternoon arrived, 
the children were slowing,
and the path to the sea became increasingly tiring.
They're lifted and carried by parents who say
 'What fun you've all had, 
but enough for today.'

They adore their time
at this place by the sea, 
breathing in the warm summer breeze.
Seashells and pebbles smooth to the touch,
blue skies and seascapes, 
which they love oh so much.

Belinda Rose Bond March 2023

Picture: Felixstowe by Belinda Rose Bond