Love, by Sarah Lou Cawdron

Sarah Lou Cawdron has sent us another poem, we love how beautifully written this is. 

If you'd like to send us a poem, or any article then please feel free to submit them here!

Love ❤️ 

You taught me how to love, 
you taught me how to trust, 
you taught me how to believe. 
The only thing
you didn't teach me was 
how to live without you

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
I love you and that's the beginning and end of everything
I would rather have had one breath of your  hair, one kiss of your mouth, one touch of your  hand, than eternity without it
You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars 

I have looked at you in a million ways and loved you in each. 
Thinking of you always, my dear. 
You lift me up and hold me sown

you make me smile when I'm feeling down. 
You bring me peace, 
you bring me gifts, 
you're the person I'm most 
happy to share my life with

©️Sarah Lou Cawdron 2023