BASIC Life Charity
312 High St Felixstowe
13 Picketts Rd Felixstowe
British Heart Foundations
78 Hamilton Rd Felixstowe
Citizens Advice Bureau
2-6 Orwell Rd Felixstowe
Langer Rd Felixstowe Suffolk
Felixstowe Listening Service
The Fletcher Centre 2 Crescent Rd
Felixstowe Town Council
Town Hall Undercliff Rd W Felixstowe
Inspire Suffolk
Lindbergh Rd Ipswich Suffolk
John LeVay Cancer Care Information Centre
Heath Rd Ipswich Suffolk
Level Two Youth Project
54 Cobbold Rd Felixstowe
Lions Club
Felixstowe Suffolk England
Memory Cafe
Cobbold Rd Felixstowe Suffolk
Mind, Body & Sea CIC
Suffolk Yacht Harbour Ltd Suffolk Yacht Harbour Levington
Parent Hub
Felixstowe Suffolk England
Positive Pals
Felixstowe Suffolk England
Rotary Club Felixstowe
Felixstowe Suffolk England
Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)
7 Grasmere Ave Felixstowe
Salvation Army
Cobbold Rd Felixstowe Suffolk
Social Services (Contact Customer First)
Felixstowe Suffolk England
The Befriending Scheme
1 The Croft Sudbury
Walton Parish Nurses
18 Maidstone Rd Felixstowe