Remembering Aurora: A Story and Photos by Stephen Squirrell

Remembering Aurora: A Story and Photos by Stephen Squirrell

I have wanted to see the Northern Lights for many years and have been down to Felixstowe Ferry several times. I have stood in the dark by myself getting cold with not much success, although I did get a hint of pink once. Then, last Friday, Facebook was awash with reports of fantastic conditions to see the Northern Lights! It was even mentioned on the TV weather. So it was too good an opportunity to miss.

Photography Submissions September

Photography Submissions September

We have compiled together some photos that have been sent to us via the submit part of our app, and we thought we'd to share them with you all 😊

The Beauty of Nature by Dani Lou

The Beauty of Nature by Dani Lou

Dani Lou is a keen photographer, love the outdoors the beauty of nature, love to be creative with my photos and do have a eye for seeing things different.

My Favourite Photo Tips by Lily Old

My Favourite Photo Tips by Lily Old

Lily Old is a local young photographer. We know what it’s like getting into a new hobby so we thought we’d ask Lily for some tips for photography, over to you Lily…