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On the 1 and 2 July 2023, Landguard Fort will once again commemorate ‘Darell’s Day’, but just who is Captain Nathaniel Darell and why is Darell’s Day such an important date in the fort’s history and event calendar? Here’s why…
We have always loved to support young writers and journalists, so we were delighted to recieve this wonderful review of the recent play by Two Sisters Art Centre, sent in by a local English Literature student, who goes by the mysterious pen-name, “The Eagle Eye in the Audience”. Enjoy the read…
Thomas Wolsey is very well known across Felixstowe and Ipswich. Local Playwright, Suzanne, has sent us this very informative piece of writing about the history of Thomas Wolsey.
The hugely popular Easter Egg Hunt is back at the award-winning Felixstowe Museum on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 April 2023.
Jean Macpherson has launched her book about the 1953 floods in Felixstowe. You can get your copy here.
*Copied directly from East Suffolk Gov*
We know the holidays can be hectic, and sometimes you just want to distract your kids from technology and enjoy family time, so we have some lovely interesting history facts for kids! 🤩
Wow!! Another year bites the dust and another year welcomes the chance for new endeavours, hope and positive change 🥳🥰
My name is Aaron Gwynaire. I am a full time indie game developer that grew up in the Felixstowe and now based in Trimley.
Have you ever wondered the history behind the grand Harvest House? We certainly have!
You can watched the funeral live here.
Carl Earrye has kindly shared us photos he took of the late Queen Elizabeth II. We thought we'd share these with this wonderful community. All photo credits go to Carl Earrye.
*Press Release*
We came across this wonderful poem on Facebook after the heartbreaking loss of the Queen this evening. We thought we'd share it all with you.
The death of my beloved Mother, Her Majesty The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family. We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved Mother. I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world.
With such great sadness to hear of our Queen’s passing.
Ruth Dugdall sent us a little history of Felixstowe beach huts and also an update to save those in danger of being removed. Over to you Ruth…
Meet Megan, one of Felixstowe's younger residents :) She created this wonderful picture which was inspired by the Lancaster Bomber that flew over Felixstowe on Friday, as well as by the Union Jack.
Here’s Steve Wynn who tells us what he gets out of volunteering in the maintenance team at Landguard Fort, and how much such activity helps to preserve this historic landmark in Felixstowe.
Having been born in Felixstowe in 1947 I have fond memories and most of them are about being on the prom or on the beach with my mum and dad. Perhaps your memory plays tricks on you but it always seemed to be ‘sunny days’.
Meet the incredibly talented local artist, Ashley Peck, who took his early fascinationwith aircraft to a whole new level...
I moved to Felixstowe from Stowmarket as a baby, then grew up on the Coronation Drive Estate. Like most of the children then, I would play out along the road from the age of around 5, as it was safe to do so. The road back then was lined with neat and tidy grass verges, covered during the summer with buttercups and daisies, where us girls used to sit making daisy chains, or just doing handstands or cartwheels along the verge. The girls would dress up in their mother’s old dresses and high heeled shoes and walk up and down the road pushing their dolls prams with the latest Tiny Tears Doll (or in my case it was my neighbours guinea pigs, that I'd take for a walk!). Boys would race up and down on their bikes or homemade Go Karts playing Cowboys and Indians, or Thunderbirds are go, whilst firing cap guns at us girls.